651 Cathedral Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701

Important Information If You Are Scheduled For Surgery

Preparing for surgery
   Same Day Surgery Center and your doctors work as a team to provide you with quality anesthesia and surgical services. Be sure to ask your doctor to schedule your surgery at SDSC.


The Week Before Surgery
+ Your medical history will be reviewed with one of our anesthesiologists.
+ If you are taking any kind of medication, please have names and dosages available. The nurse reviewing your medical history will give you instructions as to what you should take prior to surgery. If you will be spending the night please bring your medications in their original containers with you.
+ Notify your doctor if you take any blood pressure medications, you are diabetic or if you are taking a blood thinner or aspirin.
+ A nurse will call you to obtain medical history and give you instructions prior to your arrival at SDSC.
+ Notify you doctor if you experience any health changes between you last visit and the day of surgery such as a cold, fever, flu, sore on the skin, etc.
+ If you have any questions or concerns regarding payment or insurance please feel free to call for pre-surgical financial estimates at 755-9900.


Day Before Surgery
+ DO arrange for a responsible adult to accompany you to SDSC and to drive you home after surgery.
+ DO plan on staying with your child the entire time your child is at SDSC. A parent or guardian must remain in the building the entire length of your child's stay. If you plan on bringing other small children with you it is helpful to have additional help to care for these children. Your child having surgery is going to require additional attention from you the day of surgery.
+ DO pack personal items, if you are planning on spending the night that will make your stay more comfortable, for example: toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, reading material, etc. SDSC can provide you with does have all of these items but patients generally prefer their own things (items).
- DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery. This includes gum, cough drops, hard candy, coffee, tea, soda, or water. If you do not follow this rule (protocol) for your surgery may have to be delayed or rescheduled.
- DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before surgery.
- DO NOT take aspirin or aspirin containing products for up to 5 days before surgery.
+ If you are planning on spending the night DO pack personal items that will make your stay more comfortable, for example: toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, reading material, etc. SDSC does have all of these items but people generally prefer their own things.


Day of Surgery
+ DO shower or bathe the day of or the night before surgery. 
+ DO wear comfortable loose fitting clothing that you can change easily and will not bind (restrict) your surgery site.
+ DO bring insurance card (Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial, Military ID or any papers with identifying numbers and a picture identification (Driver’s License, Military ID, Passport or Tribal ID). 
+ DO arrive 1 hour for Pediatrics and 1 ½ hour for Adults prior to your scheduled surgery time, unless told otherwise.
- DO NOT use hair sprays or body lotions. 
- DO NOT apply makeup especially mascara or lipstick.
- DO NOT Adults no food after midnight and you can have clear liquids up to 6 hours prior to your surgery. Pediatrics can have a light meal 6 hours prior to surgery (No FOOD after 6 hours prior to surgery) and clear liquids up to 3 hours prior to your surgery. You may brush your teeth but do not swallow the water when rinsing your mouth.

****** This is very important to prevent your surgery from being delayed or rescheduled. If you have any questions in reference to what you can eat or drink prior to surgery, contact us at 755-9930.

- DO NOT wear jewelry or watches to SDSC. All metal jewelry and piercings need to be removed prior to surgery.
- DO NOT bring large amounts of cash or valuables to SDSC. You will need payment to fill any prescriptions that the doctor should write for you. SDSC does not have a pharmacy so any prescriptions would need to be filled at the pharmacy of your choice.
+ We suggest that you limit the number of people that accompany you to SDSC to better protectthe privacy of other patients and to allow you the necessary rest to recover from your procedure.
+ Dentures and hearing aids may be worn, but may need to be removed prior to surgery depending on the type of surgery and anesthesia that you will require.
- Contact lenses will need to be removed for most procedures. Please bring you contact storage case to safely store your contacts during your surgery.


Following Surgery
+ You will spend approximately 1-3 hours at SDSC after your surgery for care and instructions.
+ You must have a responsible adult drive you home and recommended someone to stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.
+ The nurses and physicians will answer your questions and go over your post-surgical instructions with you and a caregiver prior to your dismissal. You will receive a written copy of these instructions. Please follow them carefully.
- For 24 hours after surgery DO NOT:
  • Drive any vehicle
  • Operate any machinery or power tool
  • Drink any alcoholic beverages
  • Make any important decisions
  • Assume responsibility for the care of others
  • Take any sleeping pills or tranquilizers without your doctor's permission
+ It is natural to experience some discomfort in the area of your surgery. You may also experience some drowsiness or dizziness depending on the type of anesthesia you receive, or the amount of pain medication you are taking at home.
- DO NOT take part in any strenuous activity until advised by your surgeon.
+ Follow the post-operative instructions given to you by your surgeon.
+ One of our nurses will attempt to call you a day or so after your surgery to make sure that you are recovering comfortably or you may contact us at 605-755-9930.
+ Contact your physician if you experience problems after discharge from SDSC. If you cannot contact your doctor but feel your concerns warrant a doctor's attention, call or go to the nearest emergency room.


© 2025 Same Day Surgery Center • 651 Cathedral Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 • 605-755-9900 • Owners